Day: June 16, 2011

Cry of the Wolf, Chapter 12: Baby Blues

Adriane and Drake are about to be attacked by a 10-foot-tall pig-headed monster when Zach literally swoops down on a vine and does some impressive hack-and-slash action. He just showed up to take Drake back to the Fairy Glen and give Adriane some food, but going back may not be such a great idea when a patrol of orcs (those aforementioned giant pig-headed things) is nearby. The party dives into a cave and waits for the orcs to leave. Adriane even makes a little decoy Drake to distract the enemies.

But then the egg hatches.

…Wow, nothing really happened here, either. I apologize for promising something more interesting today when VERY LITTLE OCCURRED.

Status Update!
Adriane learned Decoy!
Drake hatched!
Zach rejoined the party!

Next time: something more interesting happens — I promise.