Day: June 2, 2011

Cry of the Wolf, Chapter 3: Magical Mystery Tour

Kara decides that today is an excellent day to show the Catty Girls and Cool Dudes (well, just Marcus and Joey) a preview of the Ravenswood Preserve tour. And things go quite well, surprisingly: Ariel lands on Kara’s arm on cue, and Lyra does an excellent job pretending to be a normal ferocious leopard.

Unfortunately, Tiffany makes the bright decision to stray from the path, and runs into Adriane, who is quite disheveled and depressed. The Cool Dudes try to comfort her, and the Catty Girls (minus Molly, because she’s a sweetheart) make a snide comment or two; but Adriane will have none of it and returns to the manor with Kara and the animals.

Damn, I love the Cool Dudes. At least they have class.

Meanwhile, Emily is helping the refugees compile information on magical animals and answering e-mails. She gets one from Meilin (wow, they corrected her name!), the girl who sent the e-mail about dragons in the original edition of All That Glitters. Meilin talks about how a dragon’s egg was stolen from her father’s dig how her father used to tell her stories about dragons, and asks Emily if she thinks dragons are real. Emily fields the question to the refugees, who believe that dragons do exist, even though they’ve been extinct on Aldenmor for a long while.

Adriane then shows up, and recounts the events of the past few chapters, which I won’t recap because that’s what I’ve been doing the past couple of days. Worried for Stormbringer’s safety, Adriane suggests trying to open the portal and contact her. Granted, the party’s never been able to open the damn thing (in the new edition, the refugees say that the portal was opened from the other side when Moonshadow showed up), but Adriane thinks the party has the right tools this time.

Next time: The party learns how to think with portals.