Day: October 2, 2011

Spellsinger, Chapter 5: It’s a Book on a Plot-Important Skill!

(If you’re reading the original edition, this is Chapter 4.)

Emily and Kara make their way back to the manor so they can help Adriane get the place ready for Johnny’s arrival. In the new edition, Emily is pissed:

“What got into you two?” Emily demanded. “That was the most immature display I’ve ever seen!”

“I just got so mad! How could she do that?” Kara was steaming at Adriane’s totally irritating behavior. “She’s trying to outdo me, steal my thunder.”

I know that Kara wants to be the center of attention so she can have her mommy finally notice all the hard work she’s pouring into the benefit concert, but it’s no excuse for her to be a bitch.

Anyway, the girls run into Ozzie and the major refugees, and give them a heads-up on the situation. In the old edition, the refugees have no idea who the hell Johnny Conrad is, so Emily has to explain what the fuss is all about:

“[Johnny Conrad is a] musical band,” Emily explained.

“I see …” Balthazar said worriedly.

“Believe me, I won’t forget what Lorelei taught us,” Emily said.

The unicorn had shown the girls just how powerful music could be — it created magic, good and bad.

Why does Emily automatically assume that Conrad’s music is going to cause magical mayhem? As far as she knows, Johnny Conrad is a normal teen idol from Earth. He’s not going to do anything but turn pre-teens into puddles of squee — which he’s already done.

Emily runs off with the refugees to conduct a head-count, while Kara enters Ravenswood Manor to check up on Adriane. Inside, Kara realizes that Adriane’s been real busy: the manor is clean, and there’s posters and signs everywhere. In some distant room, Adriane is already practicing a funky, power-chord-heavy tune. Kara decides to let her be and explore the manor instead.

Let’s put some upbeat music on for the upcoming scene!

(I’m sorry, it’s the closest thing I can think of for “funky” and “heavy power-chords”. Besides, Guile’s theme goes with everything.)

So Kara’s walking through the dark corridors of the manor’s second story when she sees some dark figure run out of the library! (Oh noes!) Kara enters the library, where she finds a book on spellsinging. Wow, how convenient — the Fairimental from earlier told Kara that the party needs to spellsing, and here’s a book on the subject! Kara reads the preface:

The strongest of magic is the gift of song
In the heart of the spellsinger is where it belongs

Song of truth, words of age
Spread in song what you read on this page
Music will awaken awakens the true power of the lightbringer
For stars to shine, call upon the spellsinger

Kara’s all like, “Terrific! Great stuff! At last, a book for me! A book that speaks to me! That was great!” But then Adriane enters and takes a peek at the spellsinging book, too. She thinks it’s cool and believes it may be useful, especially since the party is supposed to spellsing together. Kara and Adriane also take the opportunity to talk about the Fairy Map in the new edition:

“That Fairimental also said use the fairy map. How can we do that? The sorceress has it.”

“If you hadn’t lost it,” Adriane waved her arms in frustration, “we might still have it!”

“I didn’t lose it! I … I — oooh!”

“It did say you’re in danger — all of us,” Adriane continued.

Kara shot a withering gaze. “Well, that’s your department, isn’t it? Saving the day? I just have my stupid little concert to take care of, thank you very much!”

Remember when I said Kara says that line about her stupid concert later in the new edition? Well, there it is.

After some more arguing about who’s going to be singing with Johnny at the benefit and some discussion about who found the spellsinging book in the first place, Kara gets a message on her walkie-talkie. Johnny’s on his way, so the girls have to hide everything magical in the library. Adriane suggests storing all their magical trinkets — the refugees have been giving the girls Protection from Evil amulets apparently — with the magitech computer. She casts Detect Secret Doors and opens the computer panel. Kara, however, is not amused — she doesn’t have a Sparkly Rock, so how can she get to the magical items? Adriane’s all like, “Sucks to be you!”

So the girls hide everything except the spellsinging book, which Adriane thinks will be Very Important. Her rationale is better explained in the original edition:

“I think I’ll hold on to this,” Adriane said, opening the book again. “I understand music better than you, anyway. If there’s something important here about musical magic, I should know about it.” She gave Kara a quick glance. “And this could be very useful for my singing debut with Johnny.”

Of course, the last line pisses Kara off to no end. While Adriane is engrossed in the book, Kara spies Lorelei’s horn by the magitech computer. Remembering that unicorn horns can do Almost Anything, Kara takes it and shoves it inside her backpack. Now she’ll be the bestest singer ever, mwahahaha!

Status Update!
Adriane obtained: Spellsinging Book (complete)!
Kara obtained: Lorelei’s Horn!

Next time: Kara gets an art history lesson, and Emily learns not to get Mrs. Windor drunk.